General Disclaimer
The content on this website, including affiliated workshops, retreats, videos, blogs, and all related materials, is intended to inspire and guide people towards living their best life. However, it is important to understand the limitations and boundaries of the information provided.
Not Medical Advice
The information and opinions provided on our website and through our services are not intended to be used as medical treatment, nor are they a substitute for the advice of a medical doctor, counselor, or therapist. Our content, including nutrition advice and lifestyle plans, is based on our team’s certified education and experience handling multiple clients. While we aim to share valuable insights and guidance, no person should act or refrain from acting based on the content of our videos, blogs, retreats, workshops, or any other information delivered via group teaching or workshops without consulting a healthcare professional.
Accuracy and Reliability
We strive to ensure the accuracy of the content provided on our site. However, information related to well-being and the human body is a constantly evolving field. Much of the teaching we provide is dependent on personal experiences and journeys embraced by our team members. This knowledge may sometimes lie outside the remit of evidence-based practice. Therefore, we accept no legal responsibility for the accuracy of the information presented here.
Legal Capacity
The content of this website, including its videos, blogs, workshops, retreats, and group teachings, should not be used in any legal capacity whatsoever. This includes, but is not limited to, establishing a ‘standard of care’ in a legal sense or as a basis for expert witness testimony.